This approach can be completely non-toxic or in combination with a chemical treatment. We very often recommend this treatment in buildings with high infestation rates and high resident turnover. It has its limits when it comes down to highly infested units where other methods have failed. This treatment is fast and requires the residents’ involvement in order to reduce the time of the technician. It may include tumble-drying of your clothes and other textiles, which is labour intensive. Strict instructions will be given by the technician and need to be followed accurately!
The support of the residents or owners is essential to achieve success!
This treatment is one you choose because your budget does not allow for more effective and seamless treatments such as "Just Freeze" with Cryonite or "Simply Heat" with Thermo Bug. The “MC” treatment can involve several methods and be a combination of non-toxic and chemical treatments. In cases where insects have become resistant, or other traditional methods have failed, we recommend a different approach like Cryonite or Thermo Bug.
This treatment is ideal for small infestations, when comebacks occur due to tenants’ low living standards or chemical treatments have failed. The type of method we use can be a combination of steam, Cryonite, dust, or spray and will be decided by our trained technician. In a case of the use of chemicals in areas where they cannot be avoided, a stand down period of up to 4 hours can be expected.
Every “MC” treatment includes educational material for the tenant and support via our hotline.
Time: Approx. 30 min – 1 hour per room