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Hi-Eco-Genic - Certification

Environmental Pest Control Solutions


Setting the standard for environmentally
friendly and non-toxic products and services.

Hi - Stands For...

We understand that "Hi" means the highest standards and quality services to achieve the best results for our customers.
In achieving this goal, we have pioneered many unique developments and have invested in the best high-tech pest control methods from throughout the world. Very often such high-tech solutions are the only effective way to deal with issues in pest control, as traditional methods fail.

For example, the use of chemicals against insects has proven to be increasingly ineffective, due to the insects building up resistance.
Using ever-stronger insecticides is not a solution since it only increases resistance still further which compromises human safety and has led to banning the use of strong and dangerous chemicals in many countries. The only solution is to use methods that are highly effective, do not cause resistance, and are safe for humans.

We have set our benchmark high in all aspects of Pest Control Services and Methods. We ensure all Partners understand the quality and approach to ensure Hi-Eco-Genic can be a leader in the field. We recognise that quality equipment and products are only as good as the people who will work with them.

Our clients expect 100% effective solutions that are efficient and environmentally sustainable.

ECO - Stands For...

Our environmentalism is part of a broad philosophy, ideology and social movement regarding concerns for environmental and human health protection.
The stabilisation and improvement of the health of the environment will follow automatically if humanity seeks ecologically safe and renewable resources This is particularly the case when the measure for this health incorporates the well-being of non-human elements. Even within the pest world, environmentalism advocates the preservation, restoration, protection and / or the improvement of the environment we are living in, by controlling pollution, protecting plants and the human living space and even maintaining animal diversity.

Our partners are attempting to balance any approach and any method with a proper degree of environmental sustainability. The success of our service is thus a balance between our guarantee of effective treatment and our use of non-toxic methods in pest control. Environmental concerns are often represented by the colour green like the Hi-Eco-Genic Certification and Trade Mark.

For this reason, we have predominantly aligned with and chosen methods & products like BRC, Designed2Kill, eMitter, NARA, Cryonite or Thermo Bug and other non-chemical solutions. Only HI-Eco-Genic approved products or methods will be offered and implemented, in line with our goal of being the leader in the modern world of alternative pest control.

Genic - Stands For...

Genic - stands for the high level of hygiene and safety that comes with meticulous attention to development and training.
Often abbreviated to high-tech, it is technology and methods that are at the cutting edge: the most advanced technology/methods available. Some call it know-how with the latest!

Because the high-tech sector in pest control often develops or uses the most advanced technology known, it is often seen as having the most potential for future growth and success.

To become a Hi-Eco-Genic approved supplier and user, it is necessary to comply with our guidelines, covering all aspects of these Standards and meeting the ideals of our Philosophy.

Hi-Eco-Genic Authorised Partners...

Are certified users of our high-tech pest control methods, which they incorporate into their existing techniques. In most cases these have replaced the unnecessary traditional methods.

New methods and technologies have already replaced traditional or old products in many countries around the world. This may be because the older methods were becoming less effective, or never were particularly effective, but it is also because old methods were dangerous to humans, or considered to be inhumane.

For example, the use of glue boards against rodents or the use of toxic chemicals are now banned in most western countries for many reasons.
Why be cruel to animals when alternatives exist:

For example, the eMitter rodent trapping device system. 100% non toxic and effective.

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